Phoenix Exporting - Quickstart Guide

05 – Exporting 

After finishing your grade, exporting your master file is very straightforward.  

To export the final timeline with all the grades click on the “export Media” button above the Transport controls. A new window will open with an interface very similar to the Import window (fig.29) 


Here you can choose where you want to export your files by selecting the drive and folder and create a new folders if necessary. The bottom section of the interface is where you can select the type of file you want to export.  

There are several options available, from Avid DNX, Prores, XDCAM and image sequences, just to name a few. Depending on the type of file selected, new parameters will appear; select the ones that match your delivery and add a name to the file using the box next to the Codec selection dropdown (fig.30) 


You can export the whole Composition or just a specific range marking your In-Out points.

You can also choose to export audio in the same file or separate .WAV files in different configurations. There is also the option to rename files automatically using Variables; just click on the “$?” button above the “Close” button on the bottom right section of the window. 

After selecting the location where the file will be exported and the codec/ container, click on the “Export” button next to the “Close” button. You can now close the window and click on the “task” button above the “Mems...” button to follow the progress of your export.  

You can keep working on a different Composition while the render is running, but it will pause the export if any intensive operations happen while you are working; it will continue automatically as soon as there is no processing happening in the foreground. 

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    • Wafa Wafa
    • Wafa_Wafa
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I want to  Export  Prores format with  sRGB / gamma 2.2.  What value to adjust ?? 

           Suppose dpx file metadata value is sRGB/ gamma 2.2.  then i convert to export dpx to prores format set same sRGB / gamma 2.2.  how to export prores file with sRGB / gamma 2.2
