Prores 4444 XQ bit depth info

Few tools show the prores 4444xq bit depth information 16bit. But phenoix show as 10bit. It's correct.

Prores to dpx export 10bit then it's ok 

Which setting need to change phenoix read and show source bit depth info correctly.

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    • Wafa Wafa
    • Wafa_Wafa
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hello, please help out.

    • Wafa Wafa You can change clip properties by selecting the clip and clicking on the "Properties" option. The window has the option to change bit depth.

      • Wafa Wafa
      • Wafa_Wafa
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Gustavo Mendes thanks. But nucoda read the dpx files information and show the bit depth information correctly. Why? prores not show the correct bit depth information.

    • Wafa Wafa That's a metadata reading issue that will be fixed in a future update.

      • Wafa Wafa
      • Wafa_Wafa
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Gustavo Mendes Thank you.

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