Strange highlight flickering
Just putting this out there in case anyone has seen this before. Our current project has this odd flickering where the highlights kind of bleed left and up a bit.
This is the Interpos, and it's present in both telecine copies and prints that we have access to. It only appears in certain scenes. We don't have the camera neg in this case.
If anyone can shed any light on what has caused this, and at what stage it might have happened, I'd be very grateful. Also if anyone has any Phoenix tips that might help mitigate it slightly, too!
You can see it here, look at the papers on the table and the specular on his gun. 10 points to anyone that can guess the owner of the leather trousers. -
Thanks both, to be clear this is not something that Phoenix has caused. It's present on the source. I was more asking here in case anyone has seen this effect on a negative before. We have found some stuff online to suggest that it might be caused by a shutter issue during filming, but without seeing the camera neg, we can't be sure.
- hi Silas Dominey
- I was wondering if you found a solution to this problem. I tried to solve it and came to a conclusion that I want you to see.