Dry Clean and/or Fix Erases Animated Lines

Looking for suggestions on how to setup Dry Clean and/or Fix on animated cartoons.
On lower settings part of the animation is erased and artifacts remain.  Or in some cases lines become dashed and broken. I need to find a balance of preserving animation but remove the artifacts. 

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  • Animation, This is a tricky one as it man made and all the painting could be considered random dirt in the eyes of an algorithm. 
    So using Dryclean I would increase temporal safety to avoid some of the false hits, But there will be objects that will be removed. Use compare tool difference Red and the matte paint is useally the most efficient way to operate. For the lines, lower the Advanced analysis, this should improve the behaviour. 

    Fix, the fix tool is a temporal tool and will try and recreate part of the image by calculating new data from the previous and next frames, in animation the object might not exist in those frames, you can then try and use the clone colour in the Paint tool, this will use current frame to paint. 

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      • Opaque Media
      • Owner / Editor
      • Opaque_Media
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Björn Thanks Bjorn.  I will give that a try and let you know. I may have stumbled onto something yesterday with live action film. In Dry Clean if I activate White Dust AND Black Dust together then black blotches or artifacts remain or are not removed completely but if I turn off White Dust then the black artifacts seem to be handled correctly as expected. I will be testing more on that film today. If needed I will reply back here with screen grabs.  Much appreciated.

    • Opaque Media
    • Owner / Editor
    • Opaque_Media
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Björn after some testing, I discovered that if I use Dry Clean layer set for Dark/Black artifacts and turn off Light/White and set Temporal Safety at 50 then I get better results when applying the Dust + Fix layer.  I also found that on resolutions over 4K the Fix correction takes a lot longer to render. 
    Question: What is the difference between applying these tools as layers versus as effects?
    If needed we can arrange a zoom call. 
    Note: I did upgrade my hardware.
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor 3.40 GHz
    RAM: 128 GB
    Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 1660 GPU

    • Craig Rogers
    • Co-Founder Deaf Crocodile Films / Head of Restorations
    • Craig_Rogers
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    "Question: What is the difference between applying these tools as layers versus as effects?"


    • Craig Rogers the main difference between InputFX and FX layers is that InputFX will always cache and be the first part of the processing, and you only have access to the parameters of that effect. With the FX layer, you have the ability to use other tools included in the layer, like Matte tools, Blur, Keyer, etc.

      Let me know if this helps you.


      Gustavo Mendes

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