Copy DVO effects to all shots on timeline + dealing with letterboxed input

I must be missing something obvious here, but after doing the initial scene cut detection, how do I copy the same effect (for example, Steady, or Dead Pixel) to every shot on the timeline? I'll want to reuse those tools but tweak the settings on a shot by shot basis.

The only thing I've found for now as a workaround is to apply the tools I want at the very start (while the entire film is sitting on the timeline as a single clip), then run the scene cut detection. But that can't be right? If I want to use a DVO tool on every shot of the film, how do I achieve that without manually adding it each time?

Also, I'm confused as to how to deal with video masters that have letterboxing. Say I have a 1920x1080 video master that has 21 pixels of black at the top and bottom (1.85:1 image). We obviously don't want the letterboxing to be seen by the various tools. In DaVinci Resolve, I deal with this by setting the project up as 1920x1038 (1080 minus 21x2) and setting the Scaling Mode to Center Crop, so the image is just floated in the middle without any scaling.

But in Phoenix when I do this, it seems that a row of pixels is skipped every now and then, creating a distorted output. How do I get Phoenix to take in a 1080-line master and ignore the top and bottom?

Thanks for your pointers!

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  • Hello David,

    There are different ways to apply DVOs to multiple shots:

    • On the right side of the interface, click on the Mems button, it'll open a panel on the left side with new options

    • With the Mems button open, You'll see two buttons, Shot and Notes. Here, you can choose several ways to see the shots on your timeline; if you select Event, it'll show the cuts (events) on your timeline. Here, you can click on an event, and, on the top-right part of the interface, you can see everything that has been done to a shot, including grades and FX layers. The yellow square is the selected event and the blue square is the current timeline event.

    • If you select a shot that has a Tool applied, select the effect using your mouse on the top-right menu and click on Rec; this will recall the effect.

    • You can select multiple shots on the timeline using the mouse and then click on Rec to recall multiple shots

    Another method is to click on the Notes button, where you can save notes and select them to apply to multiple clicks using the same method.

    To save a note, click on the button with the down arrow on the right of the camera icon.

    Related to the Blanking issue, setting up the project as 1920x1080 with Auto crop and will properly crop the sides and fit the top. You can also use a DCI resolution like 1998x1080  or the one you created (1920x1038) to get a proper 1.85 and use auto fit. 

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you need more help. 



    Gustavo Mendes

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  • Thanks Gustavo for the explanation of the MEMS panel. 

    Another question: can I set things up so that recalling effects to Events erases any effects already present? In trying to learn this part of the UI, I've often ended up with several copies of the same effect.

    • David Mackenzie Both Recall and Append aren't made to delete what's already there, especially when it comes to using the effects and InputFX. The idea is to help avoid overwriting work that was previously done.

      I normally save a note with no effects applied to quickly Recall, remove all effects, and apply whatever I need.

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