Apply Dry Clean to only parts of a segment

I often feel that effects like Dry Clean should also have a manual mode that allows you to apply their effect to individual frames only.
Sometimes, even within a single shot, certain effects can get in the way and a lot of time has to be spent matte-painting them out. It would be much better if I could easily tell Phoenix when and where to apply the effect.
The way I see it, the only way to do this currently would be to insert additional cuts so you can remove the effect, but that seems like an awfully convoluted way to handle something that should really be a single hotkey. 

…or perhaps I'm missing something? Is there an easy way to turn effects on and off for individual frames in a sequence?

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  • Hi, 

    Using keyframes is probably the easiest way to take out any processing tool to avoid processing at certain frames, use the opacity in the router and keyframe this parameter to bypass the option for the frames you don't want to process.

    My self I prefer using shapes that I invert to avoid processing if there is a problematic area in a scene, like a strass dress, I can then isolate just the problem area and track it if its moving or move the shape manually using keyframes. 

    In FWC-005 Michael Coronado shows how to isolate and track a bus using DVO Dryclean



    Try it out and hope it works for you 



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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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