Best way to remove chemical blotches

I am dealing with a number of shots that are riddled with, what I'd call, chemical blotches. They look like chemicals spills and drops, often forming ring patterns. Their color is usually either a dark, dirty yellowish or a blueish tone, and they often appear in a series of frames, most often around 4 or 5 of them.

They are very hard to remove, I find, especially if there is motion involved in the shot. DVO Fix doesn't really work that well, neither in Auto Fix nor in Clone mode, because they blend the effect with the existing blotch, instead of outright replacing it. Also finding a suitable from to fix from is also not always trivial, again, especially if motion is involved, if large portions of the frame are affected and/or if they sort of blend into the image itself without sharp outlines. 

Does anyone have any suggestions how to best approach a problem like this because these blotches create very distracting flickering. Thanks for any ideas!

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  • Hi guys,

    This is an interesting one, DVO Fix tends to be quite good at removing blotching regardless of the source and even when motion is involved as it uses our motion compensation algorithm to track changes in the frame, this does become more difficult if the blotch persists over many consecutive frames though.

    There are cases where a fix involves multiple DVO working in conjunction with each other, getting this right does require a little investigation, any chance you could share a few seconds of content which has this issue so we can have a look?

    If so, please drop me a direct message.



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    • Ian Smith Thanks for the tips and the offer, but unfortunately, I cannot share footage. My employer is quite adamant about that. :(

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