GeForce vs Quadro (RTX)

Is there any real issue with using a Geforce GPU with Phoenix? Nearly everyone I've ever spoken with uses them vs the much more expensive pro cards. 

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  • Phoenix only uses the gpu for caching layers with ofx, the main workload it's handled by the cpu.

    So using a Quadro or GeForce makes no difference, you can even use amd or probably intel, one of my workstations runs on integrated graphics on a 7950x,with no discernable performance hit.

  • Just to complement the info here, the main reason for Quadors has been a bug within NVidia Geforce drivers causing a gamma shift when you pressed the TAB button to go fullscreen using the GUI. 

    It seems to be fixed in the latest driver but we've seen it come back before for no apparent reason. Outside of the driver bug, Geforce cards should work about the same as Quadros in most situations.

    • Dear Gustavo,
      What is needed for two monitor mode? Are there any special requirements for the program? I saw the previously mentioned gamma problem when they touched the timeline in a two-monitor setup.

    • Zalan Besenyei all you need to do is turn on the dual monitor mode in the Preferences tab:

      It will give you some options for GUI layout, then it will restart the software. I have to check about the gamma bug with someone using a Geforce card and dual screens, I currently only have a Quadro system with me.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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