First Day - Can't get DVO tools to show up

Please excuse me for this very basic question. I'm a first day user of the trial. 

I've followed the starter guides, setup the project and composition, run through the automatic scene detection, and is ready to test out some of the DVO tools.

I try to follow this guide for the Dry Clean DVO: https://forum.filmworkz.com/media/download/h42ys2/DVO%20Dry%20Clean%20User%20Guide.pdf

Alas, already on page two it says to just click the DVO Dry Clean in the tool selector, and it's menu will show up. 

However, I cannot get any menu or additional buttons to appear for any of the tools in the panel - nothing happens when selecting DVO Dry Clean (H) or any of the other tools. Only the tools in Base (CC Layer) and Master are available to me.

What did I do wrong? :) 

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  • Hello Tjalve Aarflot ,

    The dropdown is just for selecting the effect you want to apply; what you need to do next is to click on the button in the top row, right below the FX dropdown. That button adds the effect as an InputFX, and it'll be the first thing processed in your stack:

    Now the effect will be applied and your stack will look like this:

    Now you're able to change settings by using the Effect tab:

    To see the Source and result, use the shortcut Q, which will switch between the source image and output. You can also use the compare modes on the right side of the interface using different modes:

    Here I'm using Red mode against the Source to compare what has changed between the two.


    Hope this helps.

    Gustavo Mendes

  • Thanks! The problem I think was that I was in the Shot view, not the Timeline view, so I did not have the right scene selected. It works fine now!

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