Project LUT not appearing in viewer

When we set a show LUT in the project settings for Phoenix, it is not appearing in the viewer (its not adding the contrast curve to the image).  However, when we press the Windows (Command) Key to display the Windows menu, the LUT suddenly takes and the Viewer looks correct. As soon as the Windows menu disappears the LUTs effect on the image disappears again. 

Is there any other setting we need to enable so the LUT displays in the viewer correctly?

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  • Hi Jason! 

    Let me figure out a couple of things first:

     - When you created your output formats, did you add a custom LUT and clicked on the "Apply LUT" button?

     - What's the GPU you're using? Geforce or Quadro?

    LUTs can be applied on a project level using the Project Creation window or applied to each clip using the effect under the Color Management>LUT and applied as an InputFX or as an FX Layer.

    If you need more help let me know.


    Gustavo Mendes 

  • Hi Gustavo,

    Yes, we are adding the LUT under Custom and made sure the APPLY button is enabled.  Is there anything we need to toggle on in the viewer once the project is loaded to see the LUT?  We'd like to apply the LUT as Viewer Only, so we can render as log on output, which is why we haven't tried applying it a clip level.

    We are using an Nvidia Titan RTX GPU.  

    Thanks for the reply!   

    • Jason Myres are you able to send me the LUT to test on my end?

      If you want the LUT as a viewer only, turn off the "Apply LUT" button and, on the interface, either press F12 to turn the LUT on/off or click on the RGB icon on the left side of the "Setup button", on the right side of the timeline:

      We've been testing the Geforce driver 531.41 and the fullscreen viewer gamma bug seems to be resolved, so it shouldn't affect the results anymore.


      Gustavo Mendes

  • Thanks Gustavo.  Your suggestion worked!  We have loaded the show lut Project settings, but left it disabled.  We are now toggling it on/off in the viewer using F12.  This is exactly we needed.  Thank you!

    • Jason Myres Happy to hear it's all working.

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