Dry Clean adds huge artefacts on first frame of scenes

Here is frame 1 and 2 of a scene, and then frame 1 with Dry Clean on.

On my digitized super8 films, there are almost always a huge brightness change on the first frame / last frame. 

Dry Clean consistently introduces huge artefacts like shown in the last picture here, and I can not figure out any settings to fix it. However, I also do not want to turn off Dry Clean, since it is such a huge help with the rest of the frames.

I have similar issues with Flicker, which also helps a lot but also introduces huge color artefacts on these first frames.

Can I turn off Dry Clean for specific frames only? How should I go about solving my problem without introducing a lot of extra work (the thing I'm trying to avoid by using Phoenix)?

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  • Edit: It can happen anywhere in the scene if there is huge light changes, not just at the end / start. A few places, setting "Cut Safety Mode: Bypass" removes the artefact from the last / first frame of the scene, but does not help with the rest of the artefacts.

    • Tjalve Aarflot Have you tried using the Flash Protection option in Dry Clean? It mostly avoids large flashes. Flicker is a more complicated option, you might want to create a cut before the flashing frame and change the number of frames used in the analysis. 

    • Gustavo Mendes Flash protection does not help, neither does any other changes I’ve tried, they only change the shape of the artefact.

      So with Phoenix I have to create additional cuts manually for every beginning of scene / flicker of light to turn off Dry Scan for those frames? This can’t be how it’s supposed to work. 

      Have I set up the color profile wrong or missed some other setup when creating the project?

  • Tjalve Aarflot

    the flashes at start and stop is the camera starting and stopping and they can be overexposed, sometimes for more than a frame. If you want to keep these frames I would suggest that you use DVO Flicker before you add the DVO Dryclean, 

    As these overexposed frames exist in the start and stop of the shot you can use the Splice tab in DVO Flicker to state that your start and end are brighter and you can set reference frames from start and stop where the exposure is in balance, this will then try and match start and stop vs those frames. 

    After this I reckon the DVO Dryclean would work as expected, but you can set start and stop to bypass in DVO Dryclean to make sure, or just increase the Cut Safety.



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