Automatically remove vertical scratches utilizing advanced detection algorithms with a fill-in result far superior to the normal process of hiding the defect, by using information from both sides of the scratch.

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  • Gustavo:

    I'm still not able to select the autodetection regions for editing.  There must be something simple I'm missing.  Again, I can edit manually selected regions.  When I click on the Select Regions button, the manually created regions are visible but not the auto-detected ones.  


  • Ok, I re-read your previous message and have figured out how to invert shapes and I can remove the false positives!  I guess I can do the same to edit the autodetection areas (?).  I've watched a video on the DVO tools by Björn Lantz and trying to do some of the things he's doing to edit these areas, but it's difficult because he's so fast!

  • More progress. I didn’t realize that you could add Scratch Target in 2nd instance and clean up with manual settings.  Then dry clean to help further “clean” it up. Slowly but surely I’m learning. 

  • You can add as many instances of a DVO as you want. If you add them as FX Layers you can also force caches on specific layers using the Router to speed up your work. 

  • Thanks Gustavo!

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  • 11 mths agoLast active
  • 5Replies
  • 156Views
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