Can Loki pass through the filename and parameters to it's output files?
We are testing Loki for restoration processes (dust, de-noise, etc) on DPX media. We need the DPX rendered out with the same file name, format, resolution, bit depth, and timecode as the original file. Is that possible?
I know we can manually set the output parameters to match the input format, but is there any way to have it pass through the exact file name of the frames it is processing?
Hi Jason,
There are a number of wildcards available for content naming on output, $c will carry the original filename through to the output. I include a table of available wildcards below.Var
Material name
NONAME used if material name empty.
Event number
See below for the event number format.
Composition name
NOCOMP used if composition name empty.
Project name
This will be represented as WidthxHeight in pixels e.g. 2048x1556
Tape name
NOTAPE used if tape name empty.
Clip name
NOCLIP used if clip name empty.
Original material name
NOORIG used if original material name is empty.
Frame number
Replaced with a numeric frame number zero-padded to specified Frame Padding.
Let us know how you get on.
HI Ian,
Thank you for the table. The options available look like they should work for us. For reference here is an example file name:
We tested two ideas today...
Option 1) We tried entering in the original file name of the first DPX frame into the filename field and set Frame Padding to "6".
- This option actually output the file name in the correct format, but when we compared the source to the Loki render it was shifted two frames later.
- To make the output render filenames identical to the source, we had to change .890000 to .890002. Once we set the starting frame to .890002, it actually rendered out as .890000 correctly.
Option 2) We tried using $ variables in the filename field.
We tried:
...but each attempt rendered out as 123_A55B_2_AB_01.000001, 000002, 000003, etc, so we must not be using the correct combination to create the original frame count.
Our only other question is how to handle Aspect Ratio. Is there a way for the aspect ratio to be calculated or derived from the source resolution?
We nearly always work in 16-Bit DPX, so to make things easier for our DRS artists we'd like to be able to create a single preset that will work for all resolutions, that writes the output filenames identical to source.
Thanks, Jason
One update regarding the frame offset:
- This option actually output the file name in the correct format, but when we compared the source to the Loki render it was shifted two frames later.
This issue seems to be isolated to the clip we were testing at the time. Our other test clips are not creating this offset and their filenames are rendering out correctly.
Hi Ian, The offset issue only happened on the single file. The naming convention is the same as the other clips we have, but they are all exporting correctly.
Our main question at this point is if we can get the variables you sent to work, and if there is a way to pass through the aspect ratio and not have to set it manually as an R:R. We could always make a spread sheet of all our different ratios and refer to that, but in the same way Nucoda and Phoenix calculate it in their Project Settings I was wondering if Loki could.