Multi Src TC exports fail after first shot

Exporting a timeline worth of shots (vfx or dailies for example) on 2023.1.18 to ProRes (any flavor) as Track or Visible Multi Src TC (with or without handles) renders one shot, then fails on following shot with error: 

20230817 17:10:59 [IOPlugin Movie Export] ERROR MoviePlugin.export - Failed to create ProRes file

Related, why do these renders not go in timeline order, I think I have tried this method with event folders to keep them in order but that has not worked either, though it has been a while since I tried.

Also, sorting task manager to amount complete or status while renders are going seems to reset after each a shot is done. For example, multiple shots are exporting, I sort by status, the top shot is reading 5%, the following 0% and all rest 100%. As soon as the 5% shot finishes, the 0% shot goes to the bottom and the 100% shots are the visible ones. I don't know if it has been like this before, but I feel like previously the 0% would move to the top as it progressed.

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  • Hi Sebastian,

    Can you tell me what's the codec of the files being converted to Prores?

  • Hey Gustavo,

    The two projects it's happened on were ProResHQ, but one also had MP4 drone footage, metadata in Nucoda says import method is HEVC(H.265).

  • Just tried it with TIFFs and had the same issue.

    • Sebastian Perez-Burchard Is the hevc file the one that's failing? Or is it happening randomly?

  • They are all failing, for the project that has HEVC and ProRes, I have them on separate tracks and was doing the tracks separately as they have different frame size, exporting just the ProRes fails and exporting just the HEVC fails. The Tiff project I tested also had ProRes in separate sequences. Both fail.

    Just thought of something, I think I installed the latest Resolve after installing 2023.1.18, any chance those Microsoft installers are to blame?

    • Sebastian Perez-Burchard I have just tried a combination of Prores and h264 and didn't have any issues exporting as source with Events. Could you email me one of your HEVC files so I can test it?

    • Gustavo Mendes Let me try to send you one. Did you try multiple shots in a timeline or just one shot? I can export them individually without a problem, but I can export the timeline without it failing

    • Sebastian Perez-Burchard I have to check with the Devs, I'm not sure if we can fix it on the weekend but I'm putting that as a priority.

    • Gustavo Mendes Thanks, I already pulled the shots so not in a rush, but would be good to fix sooner rather than later. were you able to replicate then?

    • Sebastian Perez-Burchard Yes, I'm able to replicate it. Thanks for letting us know.

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