FLM - Can't read license data-102
On occasion we have been met with a "Can't read license data-102" error message when attempting to deploy a Filmworkz license on a Windows host machine, this seems to be caused by a permissions issue when attempting to create a directory in C:\Programdata\Reprise.
The quick fix, for the time being, is to manually create a Digitalvis folder within C:\Programdata\Reprise so, C:\Programdata\Reprise\Digitalvis and attempt redeployment of the Activation ID, you should now be presented with an 'Activation Successful' confirmation message.
This issue will be corrected in the release version of the Filmworkz License Manager.
I'm sorry, but it's not working.
As a first step I download the LicenseManager application. As a second step I install the OFX plugin for Davinci Resolve. Then I open LicenseManager. In the "Enter Activation Key" I enter the OFX DVOs and the license number you sent me in the email and then click Submit. When I click Submit, it will give me the message I sent you "Error requesting activation key - Can't read license data-102". I don't know what else to do.
Hi Peter,
As described above, this error is displayed because the Filmworkz License Manager is unable to create the digitalvis directory within C:\Programdata\Reprise due to a permissions error.
Could you ensure the C:\ProgramData\Reprise\digitalvis directory exists and then attempt to deploy the Activation ID again?