DVO Pixel - Selecting Pixels manually

Hey. The automatic detection/fix seems to work quite good. But it would be great to deactivate the detection and mark pixels manually. So the Plug In only needs to fix these areas. This should increase render speed, right?

In my case I have a lot of shots with dead pixels. Always the same position, so I would like to batch all these shots and there is no need for automatic detection.

I guess there is no option for this use case right now, correct?


Thank you!

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  • Hi Jan ,

    There are some limitations related to the OFX platform that we're still investigating, but, different from Nucoda and Phoenix you can't paint individual pixels, but you can use the Region of interest section and setup a specific region. Use the sliders to define a box that you want to include or exclude instead of calculating the whole image.

    Just remember to turn off the overlays before rendering the file.

    Hope this helps.

    Gustavo Mendes

    • Jan
    • Jan
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks, I will try that. So I would apply the effect on several nodes when I want to clean different Pixels?

    • Jan You can apply multiple nodes with the plugin, just be careful with memory and CPU usage. Use smart cache to help with performance.

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