F1 Hotkey toggles Library and Memories, not the viewer

When using the F1 hotkey in Phoenix 2022.2 the memories screen toggles on, not the viewer.  Is there a fix or a work around for this?

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  • Hi Bryan,

    I suspect you are being hit by one of the peference settings in Phoenix, this which sends the preview video out via SDI only. Please open the preferences, navigate to the Monitoring/Video IO tab and disable 'Display Image only on SDI'.

    You will now be able to toggle between the library and preview window.

    Let me know how you get on.



  • That did the trick!  Thanks, Ian.

  • Thanks for the update Bryan, glad you're up and running correctly.

    Just so you are aware, we are changing the default setting for the SDI output in the next software release, this catches lots of people out.



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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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