about OFX DVOS Trial

I would like to try the free trial version of OFX DVOS.
How can I do this?
It seems that I need a dvo.config file, but I can't find this file even after downloading the installer.
I would be grateful if someone could tell me how to do this.

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  • Hello, Yoshihisa Kato .

    What platform are you trying to use the DVOs on (Mac, Win, Linux)?

  • thank you for your reply.
    The PC I am using is Windows 10.
    thank you.
    • Yoshihisa Kato sorry for the delayed response. We're currently not offering trials. Please send an email to levan.seskuria@filmworkz.com and have a chat with the sales team about providing a trial license.


      Gustavo Mendes

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  • 6 mths agoLast active
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