Can Filmworkz License Manager (FLM) work via http(s) proxy?
We will plan to change network environment.
We can access internet only via http(s) proxy.
Can Filmworkz License Manager (FLM) work via http(s) proxy?
And could you tell me domains to add the whitelist of proxy?
Best regards,
Hi Kiyoaki-san,
The FLM will use the host system defaulkt gateway to send license update requests to the license server rather than a browser proxy address, there is no direct proxy support in the application.
I assume the proxy address will be different from the default gateway and not just use a alternate port number for browser traffic? This being the case, there is the potential to add a static route on the host system, although this has not been tested.
The licensing endpoint is https://a105.hostedactivation.com
Ian -
Thank you for your reply.
I understood that FLM will use the host system default gateway to send license update requests to the license server.
There is problem about port handling, but we will test to add a static route on the host system
There are three questions.
1:Can FLM via http(s) proxy?
2:Could you tell me the status of FLM that DVO plugins can work?
※Should FLM be able to access the licensing endpoint at all times?
3:Can I change the port that FLM use to access to the licensing endpoint?
Hi Kiyoaki-san,
We hvae not tested the FLM via a proxy server and I do not have the infrastructure to test at the minute. I would suggest applying the static route on the FLM host and giving it a try.
The FLM only contacts the license server to gather a license file on Activation submissoin and to refresh the license for a new subscription period, it does not need constant communication.
The licensing endpoint is hardcoded for HTTPS (443), unfortunately this can not be changed.
I am unsure what you are asking in queston 2, could you ask in another way?
Ian -
Kiyoaki Tsuchiya
Firstly, please do not pologies, your English is exceptional!
Current version of the FLM does not support off-line activation for licensing, this is something we are looking into for the next version of the tool.
Please send me the MAC address of the OFX host system in a private message, I will provide you with a license file you can deploy on the machine.
Hi Kiyoaki-san,
I have emailed the license over to you, have you received?
The new FLM allows licensing of air-gapped systems, however the on-line instance which requests the license on behalf of the off-line machine needs to be directly internet connected, it can't use a proxy server. Do you have machines in your facility, either Windows or Mac, which are directly connected to the internet?
Thank you for your quick reply and response.
I have received the license file and will try to activate.
The new FLM allows licensing of air-gapped systems, however the on-line instance which requests the license on behalf of the off-line machine needs to be directly internet connected, it can't use a proxy server. Do you have machines in your facility, either Windows or Mac, which are directly connected to the internet?
I am able to understand with your reply and the movie below.
We need on-line machine which is directly connected to the internet and it makes .lic file.
We have on-line machine and it is windows PC.
I found the installer for windows on your site.
We will try next time.
Thank you for your reply and consideration.I have tried to activate with the license from you.
But it was not succeeded. FLM shows "unable to write license file".
I have checked the permission of it, it seems there is no problem.
And I have tried to generate the license.
When I have done "Gather HostID" at offline-machine that we would like to work DVO plugins,
it shows "Rehostable hostid exists-153" and we could not make the HostID file.
It was the same on another machine.Could you tell me how to resolve it?
Now we will plan change the network of host-machine and activate tommorow.Thank you for your continued support.
Kiyoaki -
Hii Kiyoaki-san,
If I remember correctly, the machine on which you are attempting to deploy the tools is a Mac? If so, please browse to /Library/Application Support/Reprise/digitalvis and remove the existing dvo_collection directory. You will then be able to generate the HostID file for off-line activation.
Failing that, could we arrange a remote session on the DVO host machine? I will get you up and running.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, the host machine to deploy the license is a Mac.
We have tried to activate it today.After removing the existing "dvo_collection" directory,
we could generate a HostID-file.After generating the license on the Online-machine,
we could not deploy the license Offline-machine,
it showed "Unable to write license file " same as using license from you.At the "Licensed Products", it shows correct license status.
But the resolve plugin can't work.
And the result is the same, OFX DVO plugin is upgraded to the latest edition.
Because we would like to activate online, we have done "Generate Revoke ID", It showed "Unable to read license file".
Could we arrange a remote session or tell me how to resolve it?
We wish 7/9 after 17:00(JST) and remote tool is splashtop or teamviewer.
Thank you for your continued support.
Thank you for your response.>I have tried to activate with the license from you.
>But it was not succeeded. FLM shows "unable to write license file".
>I have checked the permission of it, it seems there is no problem.
As I told you on July 4th, I have received license file and try to activate with it.
I think that I may be able to activate using old FLM.
Could you give me old FLM installer for mac?
If it is not possible, could you make our activation ID valid?
We will try to activate the offline host machine is moved on-line.
Thank you for your continued support.