Can Filmworkz License Manager (FLM) work via http(s) proxy?

We will plan to change network environment.

We can access internet only via http(s) proxy.

Can Filmworkz License Manager (FLM) work via http(s) proxy?

And could you tell me domains to add the whitelist of proxy?

Best regards,

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  • Hi Kiyoaki-san,

    The FLM will use the host system defaulkt gateway to send license update requests to the license server rather than a browser proxy address, there is no direct proxy support in the application.

    I assume the proxy address will be different from the default gateway and not just use a alternate port number for browser traffic? This being the case, there is the potential to add a static route on the host system, although this has not been tested.

    The licensing endpoint is https://a105.hostedactivation.com


  • Ian-san,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understood that FLM will use the host system default gateway to send license update requests to the license server.

    There is problem about port handling, but we will test to add a static route on the host system

    There are three questions.

    1:Can FLM via http(s) proxy?

    2:Could you tell me the status of FLM that DVO plugins can work?

    ※Should FLM be able to access the licensing endpoint at all times?

    3:Can I change the port that FLM use to access to the licensing endpoint?

  • Hi  Kiyoaki-san,

    We hvae not tested the FLM via a proxy server and I do not have the infrastructure to test at the minute. I would suggest applying the static route on the FLM host and giving it a try.

    The FLM only contacts the license server to gather a license file on Activation submissoin and to refresh the license for a new subscription period, it does not need constant communication.

    The licensing endpoint is hardcoded for HTTPS (443), unfortunately this can not be changed.

    I am unsure what you are asking in queston 2, could you ask in another way?


    • Ian Smith 
      Thank you for your reply and I am sorry for my late reply.

      >I am unsure what you are asking in queston 2, could you ask in another way?

      I am sorry for my poor English.

      I understood what I want to know by the below.

      >The FLM only contacts the license server to gather a license file on Activation submissoin and to refresh the license for a new subscription period, it does not need constant communication.

      Could you tell me how to use OFX DVOs in the closed network?

  • Kiyoaki Tsuchiya

    Firstly, please do not pologies, your English is exceptional!

    Current version of the FLM does not support off-line activation for licensing, this is something we are looking into for the next version of the tool.

    Please send me the MAC address of the OFX host system in a private message, I will provide you with a license file you can deploy on the machine.



  • Ian Smith
    Dear Ian-san,

    I am sorry for late reply.
    We have changed our network environment and extend subscription .

    Thus we would like to do off-line activation.

    Should I tell you activation code and the MAC address via direct message?


    Best regards,

  • Hi Kiyoaki-san,

    please send the information to me in a private message, I will generate the license and supply.



  • Ian-san,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I have send the information to you in a private message.
    Could you confirm it and generate the license?

    Best regards,

  • Ian-san,

    How is progress?
    I'm waiting for your private message with license file.

    We will use DVO plugin in a few days.
    Best regards,

  • Ian-san,

    I am sorry.
    You have given me a mail with license file.
    We will confirm it.

    Best regards,

  • Ian-san,

    Thank you for making and giving me the license.
    It works well.

    Could you tell me how to tell you or your support-team next time?

    Best regrards,


  • Ian Smith


    We would like to extend subscription this month.

    The activation code and the Mac address are the same last month.

    Could you give me new license?


    Best regards,


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