2K@25fps on SDI

The playback of 2048 @ 25fps always slows down after a couple of seconds to about 24 fps. Can it be that it's not supported on SDI ? Or what might be the issue?

best regards, Ruud

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  • Hi Ruud de Bruyn ,

    It should play back properly, but you can check a few things. Ensure the scopes are off during playback and check your cache drive. Now, SDI support is a bit sketchy for that combination; are you using AJA or BMD cards?

  • Scopes are off and the playback(cache) drive runs well, even on 4K. We are using BMD.

  • At 24 fps there's not a problem, also not at 4K (4096). At 25 fps there is an issue with the playback at 4K and 2K. 2KSCOPE@25fps is not a standard set up. We are making it with a costum set-up. Is there a fix or a work-around which can fix this? So it plays well. It's not a issue of computer or disk speed.

  • And even the playback of only audio has the same issue!

  • Sorry for my disturbence, the issue is solved. We were running a BMD HD video card, which caused the problems.

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