DVO Regrain RGB

DVO Regrain RGB allows you to quickly set up and generate natural-looking film stock grain with settings to define size and sharpness as well as highlight and lowlight characteristics for each color channel.

The Overall Amount defines how much grain is added to the image, defined as a percentage value versus the grain texture section, with the Color parameter defining the channels where the grain will be applied. If you choose a specific Black and White channel, the settings will only work for the channel selected. If RGB is selected, you can also define the amount of saturation applied to the grain.

The Grain Texture section consists of three separate options: Size, Sharpness and Amount. Size and Sharpness are self-explanatory, with separate settings per channel. The Amount section defines how the grain will be applied in low, mid and high sections of the shot. If the Uniform option is enabled, the Low parameter will define the total amount of grain applied and the High parameter will have no effect. If Uniform is disabled, Low will define the low light amount and High will define the highlight amount of grain added.

The Mid balance parameter controls the amount of the frequency range considered to be highlight and lowlight, and thus affects how the highlight and lowlight amounts are applied. To treat more of the spectrum as highlight, enter a negative number, and to treat lowlights use a positive number. If "0" is used, the gradual change between lowlight and highlight is completely linear.

The best way to use the plugin is to view and adjust each channel separately, analyze the grain structure you want to use and then turn on all channels to check the final result. This workflow will also help when you need to match a specific grain pattern of a VFX or restored shot.

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