Nucoda License

Hi Filmworks, I'm a dyed in the wool Nucoda user from quite a few years ago, Simply stated Covid wiped us out, well nearly. Have new machine and need to get back on line, Was using Nucoda 2019, I can see that changes have been made, so not sure what to do. Thanks to all, Peter. 

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  • Hi Newton Peter , glad to hear you're back. We have a few options you can discuss with the Sales team, but you can keep using your license if you want to. Please email support@filmworkz.com with your new MAC address and any other questions you might have.

    You can either get back into support for a fee or subscribe to the software.

  • Hi Gustavo, many thanks for your assistance.

    I do have one question, Does the Nucoda support .braw files, I..E. black magic raw files.

    I'll get onto support next. Peter.

    • Newton Peter yes, it does support BMD raw files. We just released an update using the very latest SDK.

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