Adobe DVO - Release notes

The initial release includes notes for the Filmworkz License Manager and Adobe DVO tools. We recommend using a minimum of 16 GB of RAM for best performance.


  • Improvements to the interface
  • Airgap functionality implemented
  • Adobe tools added

Adobe DVO

  • Initial implementation of the tools into the Adobe line of products
  • Fixes to caching 
  • Improvements to performance opening projects with DVO tools applied to clips
  • Fixes to Half Float implementation and clipping levels above 1
  • Apple M-series compatibility 

Release notes:

  • Windows

 - Currently no known issues.

  • Mac

 - Due to a known issue in Adobe After Effects (which has been reported and is pending a fix from Adobe), Filmworkz Plugins are recommended for use in Premiere Pro. When using After Effects, it is recommended to stick to small commercial (1 minute) length projects and save regularly. Also, running After Effects through Premiere Pro will experience the same issues.

 - Intel-based Macs are not currently compatible with the plugins

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