Resolve crash when applying DVO
After starting Davinci Resolve 18, I get an error and the program crashes (print screen attached). After restarting the PC, Davinci starts but when I insert the DVO effect into the node it shows me the error message again and the program crashes. After uninstalling your plugin everything works as it should.
Hi Peter,
I have created a new post to track the issue you reported in Resolve as it did not relate to the topic of the original post.
I have not seen this error before, nor can I reproduce the issue with the DVO plugins on Resolve 18. Looking at the error message in your screen shot suggests there is a thread management issue, this indicated by the OMP_PLACES and OMP_PROC_BIND errors, it also references a KMP_AFFINITY value, I assume this to be an environment variable configured on your system.
As a first test, would you rename the KMP_AFFINITY environment variable, restart Resolve and retest? My concern is the environment variable places Resolve in a particular operating mode which is not compatible with the tools.
Let me know how you get on.
Hi Peter,
Just so you are aware, I have continued to look into this issue and so far have been unsuccessful in reproducing the errors you experienced. Are you able to provide me with your test system specs? This might give me a little more insight to the source of the problem.
I am sure we can arrange for a new trial license for you should you be interested in testing the tools and assuming I am able to identify the source of the issue.
Hi Peter,
I have been discussing this issue with our product specialists, they have asked that I check something with you.
Has the KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK environment variable been set on your system? And if so, what value does it have?
To check this, please open a command prompt and type
set | more
All environment variables will be displayed in alphabetical order, you will need to press the spacebar to scroll down until variables beginning with K are displayed.
Let me know if you have any questions.