Monitoring not right / Project won't open

When I open Phoenix now, it only displays Timeline + Mems on my left monitor and the picture on the right monitor. But the picture on the right monitor is split down the middle. Only half the monitor has image. I've reset the settings and restarted the app numerous times and it doesn't fix anything. 


At the same time, I've also got a project that will no longer open. 

"The currently selected project could not be opened. Cannot open or create image media cache store - check media location is correct and write permissions for that directory." This project is set to "Cache per project" and the directory that it's set to has not changed. It was working just fine the last time I opened the project.

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  • Hi Craig, 

    for the monitoring it looks like its just not centred and all you need to do is to hover the mouse to the display monitor and hit f on the keyboard. but I assume you tried that as well multiple times, just to make sure what the phoenix are seeing as monitor boundaries you could activate the waveform and see where the overlay appears. it should be in lower left 


    also check in the windows display settings that there is no awkward setting or extra monitor there.



  • Hello Craig Rogers ,

    Are the two monitors the same resolution? 

    Related to the project not opening, can you zip it and send a link to support@filmworkz.com so we can take a look at it?

    • Craig Rogers
    • Co-Founder Deaf Crocodile Films / Head of Restorations
    • Craig_Rogers
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    The two monitors are not the same resolution. My main monitor (left) is 4096x2160. My GUI monitor (right) is 3840x2160. That has never been an issue before.  

    For whatever reason Phoenix is only using half the monitor. My cursor can move across the entire monitor. As I noted earlier as well - the picture is supposed to be on my LEFT monitor as well. This is my "lesser" monitor that I use for the GUI. 

    UPDATE: I sorted out the project that wouldn't open. I just changed the directory that was set for caching and it opened right up. Not sure why I had to, as the directory it was set to was fine. But it's sorted. 

    • Craig Rogers
    • Co-Founder Deaf Crocodile Films / Head of Restorations
    • Craig_Rogers
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view



    Turns out there was a third "ghost" monitor showing up in my windows settings. Where it came from I don't know. With that gone, it's working as it should again. Thanks for the tip. 

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