DVO TWISTER - User Guide

Your new superpower!! The best-advanced Motion Compensated standard conversion tool in the business.

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  • I want to convert 136 frames 20fps seq to 25fps so I setup my project to be 25fps. I applied Twister on Input FX and correctly marked the source as custom 20fps and output as 25fps. Problem is the shot remains within 136 frames instead of being 170 frames in total after the conversion. What am I doing wrong? 

    The only workaround I found is to apply Retime, set Speed to 0 so I could adjust the shot size on the timeline manually. I dragged it to total of 170 and then set Speed back to 100. Then I applied DVO Twist. Is this the right way of doing it or not?

    • Tirad Miral When you apply DVO Twister, it does not adjust the length of the clip automatically. What you need to do is to turn on the trim mode using the shortcut CTRL+U or click on the button on the Toolbar:

      With Trim mode on, a vertical white bar will appear on the edges of the clip when you hover your mouse over it; you can click and drag to reduce the duration, or SHIFT+CTRL+click to extend the duration past the original length.

  • Thank you for superfast reply! I played with Trim but I wasn't able to extend the clip by dragging it to the right, only to shorten it to the left and get it back to the right up to its original last frame. But by holding override shortcut SHIFT+CTRL without Trim mode enabled or just CTRL while Trim mode is orange, I'm able to extend the clip to the right as much as I want to. Thank you Gustavo!

    Btw your Twister is so far the best framerate conversion tool we've used that doesn't require motion vector generation. We've tried bunch of AI/ML retimers and they all fail as soon as there is high frequency texture in a pan shot. RE:fx Twixtor is good but it has issues at the edges of the frame so it needs gentle cropping in and on top of that it's significantly slower than Twister. Keep up the good work, it's worth every penny.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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