jittering alpha

We are running Nucoda 2024.1
At the moment we encounter very strange issues if we make a key or a mask.
We have had this issue in a minor form earlier, but now it is impossible to use a key or a mask. It looks like they don’t stick in place and are jittering very much.
Also the color changes made in a layer go on and off with play and stop.
All the renders look good. It’s only while working.
Is this a known issue? Are there solutions?
Hope to hear from you soon.
best regards, Ruud de Bruyn

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  • Hi Ruud de Bruyn ,

    Sorry for the delayed response. Is the issue happening every time you use the system? Could you record the problem with your phone and send a video to us?

  • Hi Gustavo,

    You can find a little .mov attached.


    regards, Ruud

  • In this serie of 3 episodes it was all the time there and evident. We worked with DPX files directly from the cache disk.

    In earlier projects it was sometimes there and less evident.

    regards, Ruud

  • Hi Ruud de Bruyn ,

    We've been trying to get this to fail but we haven't been able to reproduce it. Could you please send us a clip and its corresponding alpha so we can test the same files?

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  • 3 mths agoLast active
  • 4Replies
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