using Matte Source/Diff/Paint/Tools Shapes and Router

Hi all,

where I can find info/video how to use these tools?

  • Matte Source
  • Matte Diff
  • Keyer
  • Shapes
  • Matte Paint
  • Matte Tools
  • Router

Thanks so much and happy new year.

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  • Hello! Let me post some info for you:

    Matte Paint

    The matte paint feature allows paint strokes to be added directly to the current layer - for now, the strokes are single-frame only. The default paint style is INVERT, the primary purpose being to use the paint tool to reveal the original source image.

    You can choose the Source input in the tool. This is especially useful when wanting to reveal material removed by mistake while working with DVO Dust or the new DVO Dry Clean 
    tool. There is no need for users to use an additional fix tool, just remember to add your dust layers as FX layers to get access to Matte Paint.

    In this example, the Matte Paint tool is used to reveal the blemish originally fixed by using DVO Dry Clean:

    The tool will also paint on the alpha of the image, so it can be combined with the composite tool to reveal images on the tracks below.

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  • Matte Diff
    Matte diff is a tool that will allow the user to create a matte based on the difference between the current layer, and any other layer. Using this feature, it is possible to easily create a matte for fixes that were done using a tool like DVO Dust or DVO Dry Clean or DVO Scratch.

    Blemish removed by DVO Dry Clean:


    Apply DVO Regrain RGB as a user FX layer after DVO Dry Clean.

    Go to the Matte Diff tool on the DVO RegrainRGB layer and Set Layer Show to on, and Diff Mode to Luma Select the Base layer as Diff input - use the Scale option to grow or shrink the visible matte.

    Turn off Show - the DVO RegrainRGB tool will process the image based on the matte, regraining the area that was repaired. 

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  • We have an older manual online that can help you with some questions you have:


    If you can't find a specific topic let me know.

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    • Mario Rossi
    • hobbyist
    • Mario_Rossi
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Thansk Gustavo for your time.

    What the purpose of "Matte Source"?

    How can be used? In which situations?

    • Mario Rossi Matte source is used when you have a file with an included matte/alpha. You can add a matte from a file in the Library or use a matte from the source file, selecting specific channels or EXR ID.

      If a matte is separate from the file, select the matte in the Library, then open Matte source and click on Set:

      Now a matte will be added to the layer selected. You can add a matte per CC layer. If you use the "From Source" button, it'll look for the matte within the file; you can then select from where the matte is coming from.

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