DVO Pixel

DVO Pixel is used to find and conceal any stuck, dead, or semi-dead pixels coming from a malfunctioning camera sensor. 


The Sensitivity section controls how sensitive the plugin is when searching for problem pixels, with the sensitivity parameter being the main threshold for finding potential dead pixels, with Local Analysis working as a secondary localized detection sensitivity, expanding primary detection. As a compressed or debayered pixel has a tendency to grow to surrounding partners a need to process surrounding pixels might exist. The Any to Full RGB parameter, when Enabled, will process all channels instead of just processing a specific color channel.


The Safety section determines how much risk is taken with detection. The higher the value, the safer and the less risk of errors but the greater chance of less detection of actual problem pixels. The Spatial parameter reduces the possibility of mistaking spatial features for dead pixels; Stationary reduces the possibility of mistaking temporally stationary features for dead pixels. When using these settings, remember that Spatial safety is for pixels that have extraordinary features but are not dead, while Stationary safety is for static objects.

The Overlay section shows what is being processed, with Markers and Pixels shown on the screen with areas affected by the plugin. Checking the Burn in Overlay box is necessary to show the affected areas when you select either Pixels, Markers or both. The Regions dropdown lets you choose how to show the Regions section, using a Rectangle or Exclude areas.


The Regions section helps you define specific areas of the image, with Interest and Exclude areas. Both regions include  Position and Size options. The Position option is placing the area as a fixed x.y chart to create an area, while Size is offsetting the area from the edge of the image.

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  • I am using Assimilate Scratch with this Pixel correction plugin. I can't seem to see how I scan a image for the offending pixel. I have some dark pixels I am trying to correct and I can't see how to sample it. When I use the Region Of Interest I dont see any bounding boxes or highlights. I don't see a scan or run button. I tried the plug in as both a layer and a Plug In. Anyone else use Assimilate Scratch with this? Thanks

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