Prores export set the value to sRGB/ Gamma 2.2 ???

Dpx to  Prores export with  sRGB / gamma 2.2 in nucoda.  What value need to set in transfer function /  primaries / color matrix ??

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  • Hello, Wafa Wafa,

    The file is being properly exported as Rec 709 with the NCLC tags of 1-1-1 as expected. The box is only showing the option to use a user-selected gamma and it's only active if the right side of the box is orange as seen here:

    Gustavo Mendes

    Like 1
    • Wafa Wafa
    • Wafa_Wafa
    • 1 yr ago
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    Please need the tag sRGB where to set

    • Wafa Wafa 

      sRGB does not have a tag of its own, as you can see on the PNG attached. You can set the gamma to  2.2 to comply with the sRGB spec at the moment. along with the Transfer Function set to user gamma and select 2.2. It will create a NCLC tag 1-2-1.

    • Wafa Wafa
    • Wafa_Wafa
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view


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