Nucoda | User Customizibility and Accessibility
Hi All,
This is my first post on this new forum - all looks cool!
Just thought I would put through one of my top feature requests to the FilmWorkz team...
Nucoda needs to be better customizable and more accessible.
I have bad eyesight, I quite like to change interface colours, increase the text size of various panels, rearrange panels across my monitors etc.
I would also like the ability to show the Nucoda GUI over 3 monitor screens. Currently, you can only have the system showing over two GUI screens. I would like to show internal scopes on the third monitor plugged into my computer.
Secondly, Nucoda can't currently compete...
How can I justify spending £100 a month on a Nucoda license when I can buy a competing colour system perpetually for £250? I understand you can't really compete with (unnamed) company's hardware business model, but £100 a month for a freelancer like me, is far too much. How about a "Nucoda artist" edition, where the system is better aimed at independent artists, with a suite at home, like me? At a price point of about £50, or £20 a month? Even perhaps a discounted student version?
That's all for now... but I will be back with more requests!
Hi Philip,
Welcome to the new Filmworkz Forum and thanks for your post.
Current Nucoda release does offer some control over UI colours, these are not presented as options with in the application settings though but rather stored in a configuration file within the Nucoda installation directories, colour.prefs in C:\Nucoda\FW2022_1\root\Users\AllUsers. The colour values are stored as RGB plus Alpha. I would suggest making a backup of the colour.prefs file before making changes, just in case.
As to your other questions\comments, we're in the early stages of defining next generation product, the considerations for these include, amongst other things, user experience, accessibility and pricing and so consider your input received and be assured it will be added to future strategy conversations.
Let us know if you have any other ideas, or questions on any of the above.