DVO Dry Clean - It would be super helpful is there were independent controls for Bright Dust and Dark Dust. 

Using two instances of Dry Clean (one for Bright and one for Dark) means double the "undo/matte paint" work. 

Viewer Compare - Is it possible to NOT include "Master" fx when using the "Input FX" option with Red Diff? 

"Animation" Option - Animation is almost always double-printed (backgrounds often 3x or more). That leaves instances of dirt in the same spot for two frames. Because of this, it's ignored by the software. It would be great if there were an Animation Dry Clean. It would need to focus solely on small spots, so it doesn't remove huge swaths of image, but I suspect you could work something out that would work well. Perhaps it analyzes the shot in two passes. Odd frames and even frames separately?   

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  • Hi Craig, Thanks for the Inputs, 

    I will add this to Feature requests 

    In a way you can do the undo/mattepaint work just using the mattepaint on the 2nd DVO Dryclean,  Just set the source for the mattepaint to the FX layer ahead of the the first DVO Dryclean and then you can paint out false positives using just the 2nd DVO Dryclean matte paint 

    Viewer Compare, I agree that more options for the compare would be handy but it is possible to do this, I assume you want to use the mattepaint to clean overprocessing, What to do is to use the Play selected feature. for this to fully function you need to select the Router in the FX layer you want to check and then select Play Selected , it will then play the output of the current selected layer and you can now go to the mattepaint and start working. 

    Animation: will make an Feature request out of this and add it to the ones we already have regarding animation 


    Björn Lantz 

  • Hi Craig, came to think of an perhaps easier way for different dryclean settings, You can create a multiple FX version of DVO Dryclean and then the Matte paint will work as usual 



    Like 1
    • Craig Rogers
    • Co-Founder Deaf Crocodile Films / Head of Restorations
    • Craig_Rogers
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks. I'll give this a try. 

    • Craig Rogers
    • Co-Founder Deaf Crocodile Films / Head of Restorations
    • Craig_Rogers
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view
    Björn said:
    What to do is to use the Play selected feature. for this to fully function you need to select the Router in the FX layer you want to check and then select Play Selected

     Not sure how to do this. I've never used "Play Selected" and don't know where to even find it. 

    • Craig Rogers Yes it is not a trivial thing how to figure this one out, tbh it was the first time yesterday that I finally figured out how to use it, now that I do I will probably start using the feature a lot. 

      But basically you want the picture displayed out to be the Router of the FX Layer you are working on, so select this and then go all the way to the right where you can find Play Selected in the dropdown, there are no Hotkey for this but I think you can create one by editing one of the prefs files, i.e replace Play Base "E" with this one.

      there are room for improvements 

    • Had a quick look in the Hotkey.prefs file and found that there is a hotkey for this, so just select the router in the FXlayer and do CTRL-E and then it will play the router as selected, so Hotkey: Ctrl - e 

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